Installing Nova
First glance at the file structure
What is a Resource?
Creating your first Resource
First glance to the Resource Fields
The beauty of Filters
Getting deeper on data viewing using Lenses
Executing Actions on your Resources
Visualizing data using Metrics
First glance at Resource Relationships
Using customized accessors on Global Search free
Recompiling Nova assets
Data sync between server and client UI components
Creating your first UI Component - An enhanced Field
Sorting your Resources in the Sidebar
The power of abstract Resources
Loading custom location Resources
Creating a filter to select columns for your Index view
The full power of Resource Policies
Single package creation for all of your UI Components
Customizing your Resource visibility
How to correctly use the Index Query
Using Resource data scopes free
Cloning Resources for a better Resource categories strategy
Polymorphic Relationships
Many-to-Many Relationships with additional pivot columns
Changing Stub Files
Configuring field groups for each display context
Resource 1-o-1 Checklist Guidelines
What is an UI Component?
Data flow between Client and Server in an UI Tool
UI Component properties you can use
Reusing Nova UI Components
Using $emit events
Pratical example with $emit on 2 Dropdowns
Let's build a Tool! Helpdesk System
Creating a quick My Tickets / Unassigned Filter
Creating the Assign to Myself Action
Creating the Assign to Operator Action
Optimizing the Assign to Myself Action
Creating another Action to unassign tickets
Creating a Total Tickets UI Component Card
Resource Testing 1-o-1
Integrating OAuth authentication with Laravel Socialite
Managing Ticket permissions and authorizations
Lets continue to create the Tool but now implementing the correct authorization and operator permissions, and see impacts of when to use the right approach or not.
Lesson Resources